Yu Sing was born in Bandung, West Java, Indonesia in 1976. He graduated from Bandung Institute of Technology in 1999, majoring in Architecture Engineering. In that same year he began his career as an architect by establishing Studio Genesis with a colleague. In November 2011, he established his own independent architecture studio called Akanoma. The name Akanoma itself is a blend of two words in bahasa Indonesia, which are /akar/ means roots and /anomali/ means anomalies. It affirms the studio's commitment to take root in Indonesian unique cultural contexts, potentials, and issues. Akanoma realizes the huge potential damage that architecture can do when it fails to take the gap in economic, social, cultural, and ecological aspects into considerations. Hence Studio Akanoma's vision which is to cherish the earth with all its inhabitants through architecture and their four designs missions, which are:
1. Striving to make architecture accessible for all Indonesian, not only the privileged ones.
2. Recontextualizing Indonesian archipelago architecture.
3. Creating an interdependency among nature, culture, and economy through architecture.
4. Assisting local people to thrive in ecotourism.
In 2009, Yu Sing published his book “Mimpi Rumah Murah” (Dream of Affordable Houses) which became a breakthrough for one of his missions that is to make architecture accessible for all. He has also conducted a lot of workshops and seminars, encouraging students and young architects to practice affordable and sustainable architecture. Yu Sing is also open for public discussions through his blog, email, and other social media accounts. In 2012, collaborating with Prima Rusdi and Mandy Marahimin, via wujudkan.com crowdfunding, he initiated a philanthropic project “Papan untuk Semua” .
In 2013, Contributor of book SANG ARSITEK, mengenang kembali arsitektur Y.B.Mangunwijaya, Penerbit Kanisius.
In 2017, several akanoma studio projects reviewed at book: 7 arsitek indonesia, lahirnya generasi arsitek baru, penerbit kanaya press and book: 15 cerita arsitek muda.
In 2019, Epilog book: Mengaduk Ruang, tafsir merakyat atas bangunan karya Rifai Asyhari, penerbit hatopma indonesia.
In 2021, Epilog book: Ngekos karya Andy Rahman & Anas Hidayat, menuju arsitektur yang lebih ramah lingkungan.
In 2022, Interviewee book: Arsitektur Partisipatoris untuk Mahasiswa, masa depan arsitektur Indonesia, Fauziyyah Sofiah & Firda Rasyidian, OMAH Library.
2017, 2018, 2019, 2022: superviser Lecturer design studio Postgraduate architecture Institut Teknologi Bandung, focus at design resilient.
2017-juni 2021, 2022: short term consultant World Bank at mentoring KOTAKU city coordinator KOTAKU.
Presented Architecture Workshops/Seminars (last years selected):
1. Biophilic Architecture, Universitas Riau, 27th Jan 2022.
2. Economy Ecology Acupuncture, Arsitektur Widyastana, UPN Veterran, Jawa Timur, 28th Feb 2022.
3. Meaning of space through architectural design ideas, Universitas Tadulako Sulawesi tengah, 27th April 2022.
4. Interdependence to Mother Earth, IDEP Foundation Bali, 12th May 2022.
5. Architecture and Environment, IAI Kalimantan Tengah, 28th May 2022.
1. Design Process of Social Housing, Universitas Pelita Harapan, Tangerang, 7 th February 2021.
2. Rethink about house design in Pandemic Era, Universitas Krisnadwipayana Bekasi, 27th February 2021.
3. Inovation at Housing & Settlement, BPK Dki Jakarta (Audit Board of Republic of Indonesia, Jakarta Office), 2nd March 2021.
4. Growing Modular Home, Krearture Tatamatra, Malang, 20th March 2021.
5. The Role of Architecture Towards Water Sensitive City, IAI Sumatera barat, 23rd March
6. The Principle of Energy Reduction in Housing Planning Design, Grand Petruk Palace Malang, 27th March 2021.
7. Water Sensitive City, the role of architecture in flood control and land subsidence comprehensively, Universitas Udayana Bali, 31st March 2021.
8. Inovation at Housing & Settlement, Jakarta Propertindo and Rujak Center for Urban Studies, 23rd March 2021.
9. Architectural Solution for Tourism, Housing, and Settlement Problems, Petra University Surabaya, 24th April 2021.
10. Architectural Assitance in Developing Social Capital Society goes to Common Welfare, Nasional Seminar Social Design 2021, 3rd May 2021.
11. Design Exploration Within Limitation, Universitas Gajah Mada, Yogyakarta, 29th May 2021.
12. Architectural Assitance in Developing Social Capital Society goes to Common Welfare, Unika Soegijapranata, Semarang, 3rd June 2021.
13. Towards a Resilient Malang City, IAI Malang, 15th June 2021.
14. Looking for Creative Architecture, Universitas Tarumanagara, Jakarta, 19th June 2021.
15. Looking for Creative Architecture, LPK MAT Medan, Jakarta, 6th July 2021.
16. Looking for Creative Architecture, Universitas Diponegoro, Semarang, 10th July 2021.
17. Looking for Creative Architecture, Acer More Up Your Creativity, 2nd August 2021.
18. Identity Paradigm in Architecture, Universitas Podomoro Jakarta, 10th August 2021.
19. Looking for Creative Architecture, UPN Veteran Jawa Timur, 26th August 2021.
20. Repositioning of Architectural Alignments, think about the contribution of architecture to environment & society, Sharing Session Archinesia, 2nd September 2021.
21. Sustainable Issues, rebuild interdependence with nature, Universitas Gunadarma, Depok, 11 September 2021.
22. The Connection of Human, Climate, and Nature, Universitas Tarumanagara, Jakarta, 9th October 2021.
23. Looking for a Creative Architectural & Interior Design in The Locality Paradigm, Binus University, 18th October 2021.
24. Vertical Kampung, social settlement for improvement occupant welfare, Institut Teknologi bandung, 19th October 2021.
25. Architectural Response on Sustainability Issues, Institut Teknologi Bandung, 28th October 2021.
26. The Future of Micro House, Universitas Multimedia Nusantara, Banten, 28th October 2021.
27. Urban Kampung Densification, upgrading housing supply & economy capability, World bank Group, 27 th October 2021.
28. Urban Kampung Densification as Future Settlement, Universitas Muhammadiyah Makassar, 3rd November 2021.
29. Kampung Tourism Ecopunture, Nusantara Kampung Conference, 20th November 2021.
30. Vertical Kampung: social settlements to improve the welfare of residents, Jakarta Festival, 15th December 2021.