Fullpaper Submission Guideline

Full-paper Submission

  1. Full-paper must be written in English and according to paper template.
  2. Full-paper must contains the following structure: Introduction, Literature Review (optional), Method, Findings and Discussion, Conclusion, Acknowledgement (optional), and References. 
  3. Full-paper/s should be submitted only after the abstracts are accepted.
  4. Full-paper/s must be revised according to reviewer's comments. 
  5. Full-paper revision must be submitted through the system (author's account).
  6. Please note that the revision version of your full-paper will be the final version of the paper (including author name/s, etc.) to be submitted to the publisher, unless there are changes made by editor/s to improve the quality of the paper.
  7. The author instructions and fullpaper template can be downloaded from the download page

The whole submission process is done fully online (NOT by email) to guarantee smooth administration.


  • We allow up to 2 papers per author (including as a co-author) unless there is a legitimate reason to include more
  • Article Publication Charges (APC) is chargeable for accepted and declined articles.


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Conference Chairs

Dr. Eng. Beta Paramita

Secretariat and Contacts

Kunthi Herma Dwidayati, S.Pd., M.Sc 

Ana Ramdani Sari, S.Pd., M.Plan.



Website : SBCC 2024 | International Symposium and Workshop on Sustainable Buildings, Cities,

and Communities (SBBCC 2024) | (upi.edu)

email : sbcc@upi.edu



Architecture Study Program

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

Jl. Dr. Setiabudhi No. 229, Isola, Kota Bandun